In-service Teacher Education Program

Instep is a professional development resource for schools, teachers, trainers, and education support services. Instep is one in a line of products designed to add quality to educational standards, increase the knowledge of education providers, provide affordable access to training and curriculum resources, and most importantly, support Nigerian schools in the provision of education programs that are comparable to global standards. This last goal is a fundamental objective of Instep as students today share some very unique characteristics. They are constituents of a world where boundaries are rapidly melting away; a world where access to information is almost instantaneous; a world where they share similar mindsets with students on all continents; a world where knowledge, confidence, ingenuity, and entrepreneurship are universally accepted currencies; a world where technology and the internet are the driving forces. Their world is remarkably different from their parents’ and light years away from their grandparents’ realities.

This means that the era of mere lip service towards raising the quality of education for our children is over. The era of ignoring the glaring need for investment in teacher training and development should also follow suit. Continuous professional development, certification, and recertification have been long-term bedrocks of the education system in developed nations, along with standardized programs that are frequently reviewed under the watchful gaze of state and federal governments. Countries such as Nigeria need programs, products, and initiatives that will ensure that our education institutions are characterized by increasing quality, quality that is uniform and not dependent on socio-economic status. We need to focus trained lens on implementing strategies that will improve teaching quality in both private and public institutions. Instep is committed to bridging the quality gap by providing programs and products that will raise the quality of teaching and learning not only in Nigeria, but across Africa.

Teacher Training & Development

Of the many challenges that plague the education sector in Nigeria, one of the most important is the poor quality of teachers. This decline in teaching quality can be attributed to several factors that include the poor quality of teacher preparation programs, lack of investment in the professional development of teachers, lack of access to training opportunities, and initiatives that are not designed to be sustainable. With this in mind, the need for a comprehensive strategy that will help the sliding standards across all tiers of the Nigerian educational system is extremely paramount. Therefore, any strategy for improving education standards must have as its cornerstone, the improvement of the quality of teachers and hence teacher training in Nigeria. Dr Adamu has been providing professional development opportunities to teachers for 10 years through seminars and workshops. Intergraid offers a range of products that provide teacher training opportunities for teachers.

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